Dental anxiety

Fear going to the dentist? You’re not alone. Dental anxiety is a common psychological condition that can prevent people from getting the care they need. The good news is, your Aspen Dental care team is here to ensure your dental visit is as comfortable as possible.

Image illustrating a fact that 36% of people have dental fear, National Institute of Health as source.

What is dental anxiety?

Dental anxiety is an intense fear or apprehension people experience when visiting or before visiting the dentist, often leading to avoidance of dental care.

Your Aspen Dental care team understands that dental anxiety is a real thing. In addition to guiding through every step of your treatment during your visit, we’ll help you find solutions for dealing with your dental anxiety.

What triggers dental anxiety?

A fear of experiencing pain during dental procedures is one of the most common reasons for dental anxiety. Past negative experiences or stories from others can cause this fear to flare up in you.

Feeling helpless or out of control while sitting in a dentist’s chair can trigger anxiety. The inability to communicate effectively during procedures might make this feeling worse.

Simply looking at dental instruments and needles can evoke anxiety, especially if you fear injections or sharp objects. 

If you’ve had a negative experience in the past, you may be hesitant to return to the dentist again (regardless of how much better your next experience may be).

You may be sensitive to sounds, smells or the sensation of having your mouth open for an extended period.

You may be embarrassed about the condition of your teeth—just know that your local Aspen Dental is always a judgement-free space.

If you are generally an anxious person, you may be weary of going to the dentist (remember, it’s a common feeling!). 

How can we help you feel more relaxed at your visit?

Tell us what you need—whether it’s listening to music or something else. We’re in this together to make sure you’re comfortable with your care.

Talk to us about managing dental anxiety

Talk to your dentist about trying these tips to manage your dental anxiety. Because regular checkups and dental hygiene visits are so important for good oral health, we want to help in any way we can.

Talk it out

Take a deep breath

Distract your mind

Practice guided imagery

Ask about anti-anxiety medication

Benefits of Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Improves oral health, boosts your confidence, prevents from getting serious dental issues and stress-free treatments.

Benefits of overcoming dental anxiety

By conquering your dental anxiety, you unlock a world of benefits for yourself and your health.

Discover more for your smile

You can overcome your dental anxiety

Together, we’ve got this.