An even better smile awaits.
Upgrade to implant dentures that keep your smile secure and stable so you can get back to a happier, more confident you.
Your favorite foods are easier to eat (and taste!)
Your implants are covered with a 25-year warranty
You’re covered too! Most insurance is accepted.¹
As a current denture-wearer, you’re only a few visits away from life-changing results. So, what might your journey look like?
Let’s break it down.
Check in with your dentist: It all starts with a consultation. We’ll review your health history, take X-rays and see if you’re a candidate. Your plan may include a bone graft treatment, to ensure a successful outcome.
Evaluate your dentures: Already wear a Signature Series denture? We’ll assess them to see if they can be adapted for implants. If you’re new to Aspen Dental, we’ll scan and take an impression of your mouth.
Place your implants: After your prep work, your dentist or oral surgeon will place 2-4 small permanent titanium posts in your jawbone(s). This procedure won’t last long, and you’ll leave with a healing denture that will ensure you’ll always have a beautiful smile to comfortably eat with.
Take time to recover: Your bone takes 3-4 months to heal, so while you wait, you can take it easy and enjoy soft foods.
Complete your implants: Once you’re healed, your dentist will place your connectors onto your titanium posts. These will be what your dentures snap onto to secure your smile.
Snap into your new smile: At your final visit, your dentist will make any adjustments and show you the ropes for your new smile so you can enjoy it fully.
See us today to customize your premium Signature Series denture. Our skilled technicians will reshape it to comfortably and securely snaps on and off titanium implants.
²Offer available in select offices. Savings is based on a current Signature Series denture-wearer upgrading to an implant supported denture and continuing to use their existing denture, after inspection by treating dentist. Savings is not available to new denture wearers or existing denture wearers that do not currently have a Signature Series denture. The savings are equal to the cost of a Signature denture within an implant package.
Our process cuts costs for your budget
Yes, implant dentures cost a bit more upfront—but they’re also built to last and help you truly enjoy life again. To help ease the financial load, we offer flexible payment options and faster process. We save you time and money by keeping all of your treatment in one place, with one team, on one care plan.
With 99% of patients approved for financing when they apply through 3rd-party lenders, dental implants are finally within reach with a plan you can afford.
We partner with most providers so if you have dental insurance, it’s most likely accepted. We do not accept Medicaid.
Smile with complete confidence. Implants come with a 25-year warranty and dentures are covered for breaks and cracks due to workmanship.
Don't have a Signature Series denture? Get 25% off when you begin your journey with implant dentures today.
³Discount applies to the prosthesis only and not to related dentistry services, if any. Not valid for previous or ongoing work and cannot be combined with other discounts or dental discount programs. Discount taken off usual and customary fees for dentures and does not apply to services rendered by a specialist. Patients with insurance will receive either the 25% off discount or insurance plan pricing, whichever discount is greater. 25% off each arch or for a full mouth replacement. Dental implants are not a recognized specialty. Offer Available In Select Offices. Offer expires 12/31/25.
No more holding back
Enjoy crunching into a crisp apple without a second thought. Not only do implant dentures grant you stronger chewing ability— they’re your ticket to confident conversations and belly laughs with loved ones.
While you’re only one step away from implant dentures, and you can upgrade at anytime, when you get started today, you’re that much closer to:
Less hassle, more joy: by choosing implant dentures, you’ll be able to have a more secure smile with out the mess or hassle of adhesives.
Your smile, but better: implant dentures give you everything you love about your current dentures, plus so much more. You’ll get more stability for speaking and eating, so you’ll never want to miss a lunch with friends or cover your mouth again.
Enjoying the foods you love: with implant dentures, you can not only eat more of the foods you love, like juicy steak, crunchy apples, savory corn on the cob, and more, you’ll also be able to taste them like you used to.
Skip the fuss of juggling multiple providers and payment plans. Our holistic approach means all your oral health needs are met under one roof. You’ll be supported by a care team that understands you, your dental history and your goals.
Implant dentures combine the convenience of dentures with the stability of implants. They’re unique design allows you to snap your dentures firmly into place. No more struggling with messy adhesive—just pop them in and you’re ready to take on the day.
We’re ready when you are. Invest in your smile, your confidence and your life today.