Getting used to dentures with Aspen Dental.

Getting used to dentures

Healing after extractions can take time, which is why we’re here to help. Discover insights and tips from our Denture Experts for faster healing and a comfortable smile, sooner.

Time to heal

After extractions, your mouth will need time to heal. Learn what to expect at each phase of your healing journey, 
what to prioritize and how to stay comfortable along the way.

Phase 1: 1 to 3 days

Phase 2: 3 to 14 days

Phase 3: 14 to 30 days

Phase 4: 3 to 6 months

1 - 3 days after extractions

Prepare for healing

Within the first 72 hours after extraction(s), your rest and recovery is our top priority. We recommend preparing the following ahead of time so you stay comfortable when you need R&R the most:

Need-to-know: 1 - 3 days

Throughout the first few days, you may experience soreness, bleeding and swelling—this is normal. To avoid infection and help your mouth recover, skip straws, spitting and smoking. Make sure to keep your denture in—even when sleeping—in these first few days.

3 - 14 days after extractions

Healing your mouth

In the 2 weeks following your extractions, you’ll begin noticing loose or dissolving stitches, reduced swelling and minimal to no bleeding. To keep your recovery progressing smoothly, you can:

Need-to-know: 2 weeks

During this time, your dentures may feel loose or too big, your tongue or mouth muscles may feel sore, or you may notice increased saliva—these symptoms are normal. As swelling goes down, your mouth will heal and adjust.

14 - 30 days after extractions

Transition to dentures

Between 2 to 4 weeks after your extraction(s), you’ll likely notice a few things as your healing progresses:

Need-to-know: 1 month

At this point, you’ll be ready to use denture adhesives if you feel your healing denture needs a more secure fit. Whether you have an upper or lower denture—or both—learn how to apply adhesives for a snug, comfortable fit.

3 - 6 months after extractions

Transform your denture

After you’ve finished healing, you’ll be ready for the best part: relining your denture or creating a brand new one. This next step is based on the denture you select at the start of your journey, or you can upgrade for an even better fitting smile at any time.

Compare dentures

See which denture is the best smile solution for you based on your dental needs, budget and more.

What to do if you’re experiencing pain

Discomfort is normal during your healing journey. After the first month, pain should be behind you. If it isn’t, we’re here for you. Contact your local office so we can resolve any issues to get you comfortable again.

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