Aspen Dental specialist wearing blue gloves examining male patient's oral cavity during a tongue cancer screening appointment.

Tongue cancer: your questions about symptoms, causes and treatment answered

Learn about tongue cancer symptoms, risk factors, treatment options, and the importance of early detection.

Aspen Dental specialist wearing blue gloves examining male patient's oral cavity during a tongue cancer screening appointment.

Did you know that tongue cancer, an oral cancer, makes up less than 1% of new cancer cases¹ each year in the U.S.? While it’s a small percentage, it’s important to understand the risks, symptoms and treatments so you can stay ahead of potential issues. With early diagnosis and treatment, tongue cancer may be prevented and treated.

Let’s walk through some of the most common questions you may have about tongue cancer—from spotting the symptoms to available treatment options, and why regular check-ups with your dentist are so important. Schedule an appointment at Aspen Dental today for a check-up today.

¹Source: National Cancer Institute. (2022). Cancer Stat Facts: Tongue Cancer. 

Aspen Dental healthcare provider examining an older male patient's mouth and tongue during a comprehensive tongue cancer screening at a dental office.

What is tongue cancer? 

Tongue cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably on your tongue. While relatively rare, some top risk factors for tongue cancer include smoking, heavy alcohol use and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
Anyone can develop tongue cancer, but the disease is more common in men over 50. 

Are there different types of tongue cancer? 

Yes, there are two major types: 

Medical diagram from Aspen Dental showing side-by-side comparison of a normal healthy tongue versus a tongue with oral thrush, which can be an important indicator when screening for tongue cancer.

Oral tongue cancer

Affects the front two-thirds of the tongue. 

Oropharyngeal cancer

Occurs at the base of the tongue and can extend into the throat. 

What are the symptoms of tongue cancer? 

Spotting tongue cancer early is key, so keep an eye out for the following symptoms: 

Aspen Dental educational infographic listing common symptoms of tongue cancer including constant sore throat, neck or ear pain, difficulty chewing or swallowing, and swollen lymph nodes.

  • A burning sensation in your tongue 

  • White or red patches on your tongue or mouth

  • Bumps, swelling or lumps that don’t go away

  • Persistent tongue or mouth pain

  • Vocal changes (like hoarseness)

  • Loose teeth for unexplained reasons 

If these symptoms last for more than 2 weeks, don’t ignore them. Make an appointment with your dentist at Aspen Dental for an oral cancer screening

What are the causes of tongue cancer? 

While the exact causes aren’t always clear, certain behaviors and conditions significantly increase the risk of developing tongue cancer. These include: 

  • Smoking and tobacco use 

  • Alcohol abuse 

  • HPV infection 

  • Family history of oral cancer 

  • Poor diet 

Note that tongue cancer tends to be more common in older men than in women and younger individuals.  

What are the treatment options? 

If you’ve been diagnosed with tongue cancer, it's understandable to have some concerns. But you also have options to treat it. The right treatment will depend on factors like the size, location and stage of the tumor, as well as your overall health. 

Addressing tongue cancer can involve surgery, radiation and drug therapies like chemotherapy or immunotherapy. Your end game is clear: beat the cancer, keep your tongue working as it should and stop it from coming back. Your healthcare professional will work with you to figure out the best treatment plan for your situation. 

Aspen Dental specialist in a white coat discussing tongue cancer screening results and treatment options with a female patient during a consultation appointment.

Common tongue cancer FAQs

Is tongue cancer curable? 

Yes, tongue cancer can be curable. Early detection could minimize the risk of serious cases. This is why regular dental check-ups with your dentist are so important. 

What does cancer under the tongue look like? 

Cancer under the tongue can appear as white or red patches or as a sore that doesn’t heal. Some may notice a lump or swelling as well. 

What are the first signs of tongue cancer? 

The first signs often include a sore that doesn’t heal, persistent pain or patches on your tongue. These areas might also bleed easily or feel tender. 

How do I prevent tongue cancer? 

Preventing tongue cancer starts with:

  • Avoiding smoking and tobacco use 

  • Cutting back on heavy drinking 

  • Getting the HPV vaccine 

  • Maintaining a diet rich in fruits and vegetables 

  • Scheduling regular dental check-ups, which may include oral cancer screenings 

How do I get screened for oral and tongue cancers? 

Your dentist plays a vital role in oral cancer prevention. During routine check-ups, they can screen for signs of tongue or other oral cancers and recommend early intervention when needed.  

Aspen Dental provider discussing tongue cancer screening process with a smiling female patient during a preventive care consultation in a dental office.

Proactive care for early detection of tongue cancer 

Tongue cancer is a serious condition and early detection is key. Regular dental visits, paying attention to symptoms and leading a healthy lifestyle all contribute to keeping your oral health in check. 

Now is the time to be proactive about your oral health. If you notice any unusual symptoms or want peace of mind, schedule an appointment for an oral cancer screening at Aspen Dental today. 
